Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before. What do you think are the main causes of the problem? What solution can you suggest?

Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit nowadays than ever before. What do you think are the main causes of the problem?

What solution can you suggest?

Nowadays, people become more concerned about their health and fitness than ever before. In order to become healthier and fitter, people take more attention on doing some physical exercises or sports not only at home but also at gyms. But, it is said that though with sport facilities and gyms, people become less fit than before. There are many reasons and causes for it. Firstly, it was because people do not know how to choose the right kinds of sports for their body. With different kinds of sports and exercises, it is important for people which sport is necessary for their body. Though there are enough facilities and gyms, people still need the instructions by the well-trained trainers to do the sports properly. So, instead of doing any kinds of sports randomly, people should get proper training from experts. Secondly, it was found that people get demotivated so easily to go to the gyms. People go to the gyms on and off and improper doings of sports will cause more drawbacks than its benefits. So, punctuality and regularity will help someone more effective in doing sports .Another reason is the purpose of people going to the gyms. Girls, especially, want to get their body satisfaction in accordance with the beauty standards these days. Unfortunately, they do extreme sports and diet to become skinner more than their body can handle. Therefore, they suffer from malfunctions of their body. It was recommended that in doing sports, their sole purpose should be to get more fit and healthier and should follow the middle course.

Ei Mon Kyaw

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Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit now than before. What do you think are the main causes of this problem? What solutions can you suggest?

  Despite a variety of sport facilities and gyms, people are less fit now than before. What do you think are the main causes of this problem...