Saturday, December 19, 2020

Thoughts on the Song, Wonder by Shawn Mendes (Ei Mon Kyaw)

 Thoughts on the Song, Wonder by Shawn Mendes

This evening, I happened to listen to a song "Wonder" by Shawn Mendes. It was my first time listening to his new released song. Whenever I listen to his songs, I always have a tingling feeling and so many thoughts on my mind. As usual, after listening to the song wonder, I have a heap of thoughts on my mind. First and foremost is I am also feeling the same like him, losing and finding myself. I wonder if I could be myself, being real and true to me at least. To be survival of the fittest, on the other words, to fit in the society, there are so many things being demanded willingly or not willingly. Being a woman, especially in a strict society  being dominated by the culture and custom, there are so many things that need to be obeyed . Of course, it was not a law, it is the standard set by society . So, what if we deviate from the standard? I think we wouldn't dare because we are afraid of the consequences. So, what are we afraid of, the criticism or the hatred of the people? I will say both. Generally, people want to be loved, not hated by others. I think people will start thinking what if others see bad in you whenever they deviate from the standard. Worrying about making mistakes, they become timid , losing  confidence and start losing themselves because they have to be a very perfect one, not willingly. I think that  situation conditioned them to feel like it makes them less of a human being. Then, they started to hate themselves, blaming themselves for not being perfect. That is why I wish to live in a world or society , not being extreme and judgmental about someone for not following rules or standards. I wish the world could be a place that allows imperfections. In the song it is said like " Wouldn't it be nice to live inside a world that isn't black or white?" In that way, people could be happier and more free, being themselves. These are my mere thoughts from his song.

Ei Mon Kyaw

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