Wednesday, December 16, 2020

My Favourite Language Learning Methods (Lin Lin Thu)

My Favourite Language Learning Methods

Nowadays, people are learning other languages for several reasons, including international trade, effective and faster communication, job opportunities and further learning in others’ countries. Learning a new language is hard and complex. If we are struggling to learn it, it requires sustained, consistent practice. At the initial stage, it can be indeed challenging. However, our skills will improve if we study and practice the language with great perseverance. In this age, we can easily learn a language, especially our second language, English. We can easily obtain English movies, music and practice programs on mobile devices. Furthermore, there are so many ways for language learning such as teaching ourselves, learning with language partners, listening to radio, etc. The most effective language learning method for me is learning with language partners. Motivation is very necessary for me whatever I do. Although I had thoughts to study English every day before I joined the OPSIMATH, it did not work. Thanks to that group, now, I get used to studying English regularly. Though my ability in English still improves only a little during three weeks, I believe that I can do it well in the future.

By Lin Lin Thu

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