Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Living on my own or Living with my family (Ei Mon Kyaw)

 Living on my own or Living with my family

People will have different opinions and preferences between living independently and living with family. I think both have their own advantages and drawbacks. For living with the family in the same house, it does have many advantages. Firstly, we don't have to worry about the meal because there is always the best cook in the kitchen , maybe Dad or Mom. They could be such a reminder for each and every single meal. Apart from making the best dishes, they make sure we don't skip any meal. Secondly, our family members will be our personal  doctors for us as they keep checking on our health. If we are under the weather, they would come to us and take care of us. Thirdly, we could not feel safer in our home than anywhere else in the world. We would feel safe and warm in our home sweet home. Lastly, we wouldn't have much stress about our life. We don't have to worry about our daily expenses as our parents always take care of it.

     On the other hand, there will be some drawbacks in our personal life if we keep dependent on our parents. We will not have the chance  to make our own decisions for our life as our parents are worried about what if we  make the wrong decision and we  will suffer from it. That's why we would not have much freedom .If our parents are  too much involved in our personal life, we will be vulnerable to it. We cannot be on our feet as we have to ask our parents' permission all the time. Because of it, we will lose our worth and self-confidence. Consequently, we will start losing ourselves as we are living in a life being decided by others.

     That is why once in a lifetime, why don't we try to be ourselves. It is obvious that being independent and living on our own will have some trades-off. But if we could stand on our own feet, we would be much confident and believe in ourselves. We will start to learn some basic life skills as we have to take responsibility for everything in our life. We will be more courageous as we will encounter and have to solve many unexpected things in our life. As trades-off, we will have to make more money for accommodation and daily expenses. We will have to do the house chores on our own without any help. We will also have to worry about our safety as we are living alone. Everything will be on our own. Many problems and challenges will be awaiting us as we start living alone. I think it is worthy to take up courage and stand up on our own for our life. But, don't forget to maintain a balance between our personal life and family life. In that way, we are more likely  to  have  a complete life.

Ei Mon Kyaw

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