Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Living on my own or Living with my family (Cho Yee Mon)


Living on my own or Living with my family

People have different opinions and viewpoints about living with parents and living alone or moving out. In our country, many young adults are found to live with their parents until they get married. This is perhaps because of our traditions and customs but accordingly, it is affecting important details of our lives, right down to the manners we behave in our workplace and the degree of success we can achieve in our lives.

When it comes to living with our parents, one of the advantages is that we can save up more money. We won’t have to pay for rent and spend on household goods. Second, we need not do all the daily chores. Maybe our mother or our siblings can help us doing them together; like cooking, cleaning or doing laundry. Home-cooked meals are my favorite ones that make me home-sick whenever I’m away from my parents. Third, there is a sense of warmth and safety when we are home with our parents. After we have to work hard and get tired in our work or school, we have our parents to make us feel comfortable and supportive as soon as we are back home. However, there are also some drawbacks when we are living with our parents. Firstly, we may have little privacy or private space. If our parents can’t understand us, we won’t be able to do what we want to do in our free time. For example, they may ask us to do chores or help them with their work when we are studying or playing games. What is more, our parents always look at us as their children. No matter how we get old, they will step in making decisions for our personal lives and this can create some conflicts between our parents and us.

On the other hand, when we are living alone, all our time is our own. No one would disturb us during our free time and it yields much more room for fun. Regardless of being restricted, we can attend courses or enjoy our hobbies when we are living alone. We can also invite our friends to study or chill up together without the need for permission from our parents. However, that new freedom often comes with a greater responsibility. We will have worries about all the housework, meals and especially, managing finances. Further, while we are moving out, the feeling of loneliness and insecurity can be of the greatest barriers we are going to face. If we can’t handle them well, living alone will be like sinking ourselves into a sea of troubles. In contrast, if we can overcome all these difficulties, it is a big chance to better learn self-management skills, find out the real us and be ready for our future.

In conclusion, it depends on the kind of person we are to make a choice between living with parents and living alone. In my personal opinion, living alone can help young adults of today to be more responsible for their lives, being independent and struggling to face what the outer world really is. That’s why I would rather live alone and give a try to grow like the butterfly out of the cocoon.

Cho Yee Mon

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