Thursday, February 7, 2019

The Hand That Rocks the Cradle Rules the World (Ah Mon)

The Hand That Rocks the Cradle Rules the World

Mother is the most powerful, graceful and strong woman on earth. No one is born without her. From the highest authority to the layman, no one is escaped from the greatest gratitude of mothers. It is to be remembered that mothers are the primitive teachers since the formative years of a child. The way they talk, behave, think and interact with others ultimately influence on the child. As a result, they can shape the child to become a hardworking or a lazy person, a leader or a loafer, the good or evil. It is like a fountain from which its streamlets stream. A mother's love, affection and care affect the child throughout his life. Our society needs men who are considerable, loving, sympathetic, true and intelligent. It is clearly obvious that a better society will produce a better world. A saying goes that life is from the cradle to the grave. The beginning of human life, starting from a cradle is important as a good start can lead to a good ending. Therefore, it can be said that `The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world´ , which means mothers are the most powerful women in making the world a better place to live in with full of good people. 

Aye Myat Mon

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