Saturday, March 23, 2019

All Work and No Play Make A Dull Life (Htet Zaw Htoo)

All Work and No Play Make A Dull Life     

How would you feel if you eat the same meal every day or if you listen to the same song repeatedly? There is totally no doubt that everything becomes boring if it continuously happens or is done without any change. Similarly, when the same work is done all the time, life becomes a dull one, which is neither challenging nor happy. Therefore, play is also necessary for people in addition to work which they have to do to fulfill their basic needs; food, clothes and shelter.
The more work people feel loaded with, the more tension and worries they have got. Like an engine found in a machine, it becomes hotter when it is used continuously for a long time. Then, it will stop working finally. Likewise, people are living things who are made up of blood, flesh, cells, tissues etc. As a result, their bodies become tired or exhausted when they work for a long time. To give their bodies a rest, people go to bed and sleep. However, people are not like robots, so it needs to put their mind at rest. Through play which is done for amusement rather than work, worries, anxiety and tension they have become less serious because they have got a chance to do what they love to do as a change. After that play, they can work and solve the problems more successfully than ever before because their minds are clear and fresh. In the same way, students had better not study without a pause for a long time. The longer they study, the less their brains work. When their brains get tired, their studying is not totally effective. Therefore, they have to give rest not only to their body but also to their mind. Throwing themselves down onto the bed and listening to music is a good kind of play they should do. In addition, traveling together with family of friends is also a good kind of play that all people should do.
When a person has to do the same work for a long time, he or she may feel doubtful that what he or she has been doing is on the right track. He or she may feel bored with things he or she has been doing and they think that they are meaningless for them. Last Wednesday, a friend of mine who is older than me and a Ph.D. candidate as well as a headmistress of a middle school at present told me that she thinks that life is meaningless and she cannot manage to do works as others can and before the work she is doing has not finished, another one is ready to get done. She was overloaded with too much work. As a result, she thought that her life is just a dull one. Therefore, I told her about the book I had read, the monk who sold his Ferrari written by Robin Sharma, which was translated to Myanmar by Saya Moe Shin (I.M.T). The book takes the form of a fable about Julian Mantle, a high-profile attorney with a crazy schedule and a set of priorities that center around money, power and prestige. As such, Mantle represents the values of our society. The story is told from the perspective of one of his associates, who admires Mantle’s great success and aspires to be like him. But when Mantle has a heart attack, he drops out of the game and disappears. He sells all his possessions and goes to India to seek a more meaningful existence. When he comes back, he becomes a changed man. Really, it is as if he was a completely different person. He was learned from some mythical Himalayan gurus who give him mystical and yet practical advice, which he shares with his former associate (and the reader). Although it is not easy to give up all and restart a new and different life as Mantle does, it is important not to let our work occupies all of our time. Otherwise, life is not interesting because it runs always on one way. In addition, anything we do will never be effective if we feel tired and bored with it.
In conclusion, the most important thing to get a work done is the fresh mind and body. It is not how long somebody works, but the concentration that counts. Any good concentration cannot be got if they work all the time without any play. The work they do becomes a dull one because they feel bored with it as it lasts longer. Eventually, their life itself becomes a dull one, which is not challenging and fascinating anymore. All work and no play just make a dull life. 

Htet Zaw Htoo (S.U.O.E)

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