Thursday, February 7, 2019



The word `Globalization´ has become popular during the last two decades. The term means interaction and integration of people, companies and governments of different nations. There are mainly three types of globalizations such as social, political and economic globalizations. Firstly, social globalization occurs through many kinds of media outlets, films, series and these days, mostly through social media. We have a chance to know a country's culture, custom and living style through social globalization. Secondly, governments from different nations cooperate each other and solve problems or prevent conflicts which are as a result of political globalization. Well known global organizations such as World Trade Organization (WTO) and United Nations (UN) are helping to increase the degree of political globalization. The third one called economic globalization refers to the interconnectedness of economies through trade and the exchange of resources. Foe example, developed countries are increasingly dependent on the developing countries for natural and human resources while developing countries need capital, technology and brainpower of the wealthier countries. It should be noted that globalization also has its own pluses and minuses. On an individual level, globalization has affected the standard of living and quality of life of individuals and families throughout the world. In contrary, as a result of globalization, powerful countries impact greatly upon the poor countries and also social globalization is often criticised for eroding cultural differences. Therefore, between the benefits and costs of globalization, citizens of all nations need to understand how globalization works to find the right balance.

Aye Myat Mon

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